
Was bringen Zertifizierungen von Goldbarren?

News Arnulf Hinkel, Financial journalist – 13.09.2017

What advantages do certifications of bullions offer?

The certifications of gold bars have two important functions: on the one hand, they offer guidelines and give incentives to producers to meet specific quality and sustainability standards. On the other hand, they provide orientation for investors as to which gold bars they should choose. For example, it may be easier to re-sell a certified bullion. Regarding the quality of a bullion, the Good Delivery specification established in 1987 by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) is the most relevant seal of quality for bullion producers. This standard includes stringent requirements regarding the dimensions, weight, appearance and marks of gold bars. Also, the fineness of a bullion is accurately defined: a minimum of 995.0 parts per 1000 parts fine gold. In addition, the respective bullion producer must also fulfil certain quality criteria. The company must be in existence for at least five years and it must be involved in refining gold for at least three years prior to the application, must have a production volume of at least 10 tonnes and a minimum net asset value of an equivalent of at least £15 million.

In 2005, a certification was introduced for bullion producers that meet certain uniform standards regarding an ethical, socially and environmentally friendly corporate policy as well as a human rights-compliant policy along their entire production and service chain. This certificate was issued by the Responsible Jewellery Council, and it is particularly important for investors placing emphasis on values like sustainability, environmental compatibility and humane working conditions in gold mines when purchasing physical gold. The gold bars which back Xetra-Gold, supplied by Umicore, a material-based technology company, of course meet both standards, and the fineness of a Umicore bullion is above standard at 999.9/1000.

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